Stay up to date with NHPA events and news affecting the profession of pharmacy in New Hampshire

Empowering Pharmacy Professionals
Join us in shaping the future of pharmacy practice in New Hampshire. Share your insights and help us prioritize initiatives for 2025. Your voice matters! Complete our survey to contribute to the growth and success of NHPA. Together, we can make a difference in the pharmacy profession.
PBM Reform Update
URGENT! Need Your Help For PBM Reform
NHPA members and colleagues!! PBM reform is a high priority advocacy item because in one way of another it impacts all of us (staffing, burnout, financial pressures, closures, etc).
What’s going on now? The government funding bill in US Congress contains IMPORTANT PBM reform that we support. The vote will happen very soon (in the next 24-28 hours likely). Many advocacy organizations like ours and those we collaborate with at the national level, are VERY hopeful this will pass!
PLEASE take 1 min NOW to use a pre-populated form and hit send. Our NH members of Congress need to hear from as many of us as possible.
Simply click on one or both of the following links (from either of the national associations that we collaborate with) to send letters to your Senators and Representative. Your engagement is CRITICALLY NEEDED. Our profession, our industry, and our patients need us to get this passed!
NACDS Action Center
NCPA Legislative Action Center | NCPA Advocacy (consider customizing the first sentence which reads “As an independent community pharmacist and your constituent” to “a concerned pharmacist” or anything else you feel is relevant.)
NH Pharmacies: Have you claimed your Visa/Mastercard Settlement Amount?
With the support of the National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations (NASPA) and DCAP Claims, NH Pharmacies may be eligible to receive a portion of the 2024 Visa/Mastercard settlement for excessive credit card fees.
If your pharmacy accepted Visa or Mastercard credit card payments between 1/1/2004 and 1/25/2019, consider leveraging DCAP and NASPA to obtain your portion of the settlement, if eligible.
Pharmacist Spotlight
Each month NHPA will be highlighting a deserving pharmacist, pharmacy technician or pharmacy student in New Hampshire.
If you know of an exceptional member of the New Hampshire Pharmacy community that should be included in the monthly spotlight, please fill out the form below. Self-nominations are also recommended. This spotlight will be shared on the NHPA social media accounts, email and website. If chosen, an NHPA representative will reach out to you for a headshot and with a timeline for publication.
2025 Executive Board
Meet the 2025 NHPA Executive Board
The Executive Board members are elected volunteers who serve to lead the organization with the assistance of the general board of directors.
Thank you to our Partners and Corporate Members

NHPA is proud to be a member of the National Alliance of State Pharmacy Associations